What is Deep Shelter?

“This project is a 10 month, interdisciplinary process that serves to create an audio-visual language that can be used within a hospital or clinical context. This language will be shown, through digital means, within places of constraint, such as hospitals and within places of exchange such as museums.

The project aims to integrate artistic research with research carried out in the context it is being shown in. The artwork will be shown to two types of audiences – the target audience, who will consist of nurses and therapists (the CARE PROVIDERS), patients or clients (the USERS) within a hospital or clinical setting and the second audience, who will be the people visiting a museum space or centre for creativity (the VIEWERS).

This will serve to expose art to new audiences so as to expand and increase society’s engagement with art content.”


Musical perspective of Deep Shelter

Luke Baldacchino, together with Chris Calleja, were introduced within the musical artistic contribution of Deep Shelter project. The main concept of Deep Shelter was to create an audivisual artistic experience to hospital patients, to help them decrease anxiety, fear and pain using art. As for the audio point of view, the main aim was to compose and create soundscape and ambient music which would aid the patient engaging into a therapeutic state of mind together with the artistic visuals.

The process started by thorough viewing of the artistic videos which were finalized prior audio production. The scope of each video was identified and interpreted. The aim of the composers was then to put that visual interpretation into sound or music, which holistically would create a very interesting experience to watch and listen.

There were a number of occasions where field recording was done to capture real sound of natural activity, being water, wind on grass, trees moving and more. Field recording was then processed and music composition started to take place over and above, perfectly in line with the views and shots.